Planning concerns: MEA continually reacts to Planning issues – especially in the local area. In 2012, following discussion with our members, it was agreed that MEA should also review planning issues on relevant subjects in the wider area of the Peninsula. We are requested to do reviews and make submissions by government agencies, the Shire, groups and individuals or we react to the Yellow Planning notices which appear around the Mornington area.
In 2012-13, we commented on
• planning changes to the Peninsula’s green wedge,
• the demolition of a heritage –listed house at 42 Barkly Street,
• proposed development of units and car parking in Pearson St (behind school) (on hold in mid-2013)
• a brewery and restaurant at Cape Schanck adjacent to the National Park (approved by Council),
• the suitability of the site of the proposed Rosebud Aquatic Centre,
• the Gateway Park in Barkly Street (one of MEA’s original planning concerns): new plans are now being implemented by Council in mid-July 2013)
• the updating and renovation of the Football Disaster Memorial Park (Esplanade),
• a proposed Beleura precinct meeting (no further action),
• the major new freeway Peninsula Link (which goes straight through the Green Wedge and has interrupted natural biodiversity corridors),
• development at Dunn’s Rd roundabout (by Masters Hardware Store)
• Butler Reserve (Herbert Street) proposals for fencing for dog walking (on going),
• the clean-up of the old service station in Main St (still to be resolved),
• planting non indigenous Manchurian Pear trees along Nepean Highway (by Vic Roads) and the Memorial Pathway in the Mornington Park (by the Shire). Though we have encouraged the Shire to plant local trees such as Sheoaks or banksias, this has not been done.
MEA will continue to react to planning proposals and will keep updating this Web as required.