Latest news about the MP Shire’s “Our Coast, Our Future” Coastal Strategy.

Latest news about the MP Shire’s “Our Coast, Our Future” Coastal Strategy.

A letter from the Our Coast, Our Future team…

Hi everyone,

We’re commencing Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Our Coast, Our Future Coastal Strategy.

This project will help us with important long-term planning to manage the coastal areas of the Shire and drive efficient and sustainable outcomes in the face of climate change. With a changing climate and rising sea levels, we’re expecting more impacts from coastal hazards, like coastal flooding and erosion along our coast. We need to plan for the impacts they will have on what we value.

Working with our coastal communities

Our management approaches that will help us adapt to coastal hazards will be informed by community views and preferences.
As we launch the project, we are having a range of conversations. This includes our key interest groups and broader community members.

The Our Coast Our Future project webpage has recently gone live. Here, you can find project information, factsheets and current engagement activities. You can also find details about upcoming community events.

Pop-up community events in November

During November, we are going to be out and about in our coastal communities, and popping up at local events across the Shire. Check out our events calendar on the webpage to find a location and time to come and speak to our project team. We’ll be available to chat through the project and the ways we’re looking to increase the resilience of the peninsula.

We’re keen to hear from you, so please drop by and take part in our online activities and please share these details with your networks.


We looking forward to having further conversations over the coming weeks.


Hayden on behalf of the Our Coast Our Future team

Go to their webpage