Friends Groups

Beleura Cliff Path working bee, June 2024 

Beleura Cliff Path working bee, June 2024 

The Friends of the Beleura Cliff Path are still hard at it…   Beleura Cliff Path working bee, June 2024 2024  When we started work, a pod of dolphins appeared, hunting down a school of fish, as were a flock of gannets. (I used my mobile to…

Have your say: Take action: Managing our purring assassins

Have your say: Take action: Managing our purring assassins

From Victoria National Parks Association (10/4/24)…   Take action: Managing our purring assassins Yes they’re cute, yes they’re furry, yes they kill around 323 million native animals every year in Australia. And that’s just domestic cats. As nature lovers, we know how grave the impact…

Report: Pine Ave Dog Park Working Bee

Report: Pine Ave Dog Park Working Bee

From Catherine (15/3/24)…   Once again a big thank you to everyone for their efforts at today’s pine Ave dog park working bee. We certainly did a lot what with watering (pray for rain, we need it), pruning over behind Jim’s fence garden bed, weeding…

Pine Ave Dog Park February Working Bee

Pine Ave Dog Park February Working Bee

From the coordinators of the Pine Ave Dog Park Friends Group (23/2/24)…   Thank you everyone for a really good morning’s work. Although tedious with weeding in hard ground and watering we really did achieve a lot . We also with Alden’s help pruned the desert ashes…

Friends Group newsletter, spring 2023

Friends Group newsletter, spring 2023

Friends Group newsletter, Spring 2023   Welcome    Mornington Peninsula Friends Group Network acknowledges and pays respect to the elders, families and ancestors of the Bunurong people, who have been the custodians of this land, sky and sea for many thousands of years.  We acknowledge…

Devilbend AGM and Nature Walk – November 22

Devilbend AGM and Nature Walk – November 22

An invition from the Devilbend Foundation to join them at the  … Devilbend Foundation AGM and Nature Walk – November 22 The DevilBend Foundation will be holding its Annual General Meeting on November 22 at 11:30 am. However, the day will start at 9:30 am with a guided walk…

Friends of Mornington Railway Reserve Working Bee

Friends of Mornington Railway Reserve Working Bee

Friends of Mornington Railway Reserve Working Bees Friends of Mornington Railway Reserve have fired their working bees back up.  The short term focus is on removing Watsonia (see pictures below) and so far they have dug out over 3000 of them from the reserve in the…

September Working Bee at Pine Avenue

September Working Bee at Pine Avenue

September Working Bee at Pine Avenue Well, what a gorgeous day today was for our working bee . We once again achieved alot so thank you all so much . Todays tasks were weeding , removal of plant barriers and stakes where plants had been…

September Working Bee at Mills Beach

September Working Bee at Mills Beach

Well, there weren’t many of us but we got the job done – the job was to water all the plantings we put in last time. Sally parked the truck up on Red Bluff and we carried watering cans delivering water to all the new…

Report from Mills Beach August Working Bee

Report from Mills Beach August Working Bee

   News from Mills Beach August Working Bee A good turn out on Sunday enabled us to get in approximately 100 plants on Red Bluff which included: Threlkeldia diffusa (Coast bonefruit), Acacia paradoxa (Hedge wattle), Allocasuarina verticillata (Drooping Sheoak), Correa alba (White Correa), Themeda triandra(Kangaroo grass), Alyxia Yesterday we…