MEA is a group member of Devilbend Foundation Inc.
The Devilbend Foundation Inc. had its genesis in 2006 when a group of concerned persons met to discuss the future of the decommissioned Devilbend and Bittern Reservoir site. This meeting of concerned people was prompted by moves to sell off approximately one third of the land which would have significantly reduced the conservation value of the land and undermined moves to have the entire area declared a conservation reserve. The Foundation through its consistent lobbying of the Government was finally successful in having all but some 40 odd hectares declared a Natural Features Reserve in September 2006 and placed under the management of Parks Victoria.
The Foundation played a major role in developing a management plan for the Reserve resulting in significant parts of the Reserve being set aside for conservation purposes. The Foundation maintains an active interest in the development and restoration of the Reserve through its associated Friends Group which is involved in weed control and revegetation works. This Friends group is called Friends of Daangean, the Bunurong name for the area.
An ongoing bird survey has been conducted in the Reserve by the Foundation in conjunction with Birds Australia and this work is now being collated and analysed.
Concern over the stocking of the Devilbend and Bittern reservoirs (see photograph) with exotic fish species has caused the Foundation to establish an ongoing Waterwatch program to monitor the quality of water in both reservoirs (see photograph). The reservoirs contain a number of exotic species including Brown and Rainbow Trout, English Perch and Marron. It is believed that these introductions have had a deleterious effect on native species such as Pygmy Perch and Dwarf Galaxia and possibly Yabbies.
The Foundation has initiated a biolinks program to establish wildlife corridors across the Peninsula. The program has attracted support from likeminded organizations and the planning stage is now well advanced. It is envisaged that the Devilbend Reserve will be the focal point of the first biolink corridor.
Working bees are held every month on the last Saturday.