Green hydrogen an emerging opportunity for regions

Green hydrogen an emerging opportunity for regions

From Cosmos (10/11/23)…

Green hydrogen an emerging opportunity for regions

Australia’s shift away from fossil mining and energy towards renewables could present regions with new industrial opportunities in the coming decades, the Future Energy conference in Adelaide has heard.

With a particular focus on hydrogen – a significant investment area of the South Australian government – the conference heard from several industry and research experts about the benefits expected to be generated by the industry in Australia.

Hydrogen is often cited as a major clean fuel export opportunity in Australia, supported by state and federal governments, energy companies and environmental NGOs alike. But the support of the latter almost exclusively hinges on the development of fully renewable ‘green’ hydrogen.

That form of the gas is generated by electrolysing water to separate hydrogen and oxygen, powered by a renewably generated electrical current from a nearby solar or wind plant.

Estimates suggest around 90% of global greenhouse gas emissions are covered by net zero targets, with major economies like the US, Europe and China’s commitments accounting for a quarter of global emissions alone. Industry leaders identify Australia as a net energy exporter as being uniquely placed to supply major economies in an electrified future.

Green hydrogen is a zero-carbon fuel, but most hydrogen is generated using fossil fuels – like gas – diminishing its decarbonisation impact for both producing nations like Australia, and customers around the world. The International Energy Agency estimates six times the amount of hydrogen in market today will be required for world needs.

That presents an opportunity for green, renewable hydrogen to enter the market. To do so will require a massive increase in electrolysers – the necessary tools to split water into useable products.


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