Upcoming Events

July MEA Meeting

Our next MEA meeting is July 11th at 7pm via Zoom.


MEA Meetings and Working Bee Dates


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MEA Meetings

Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month 7pm. The location of the meeting varies from time to time and will be advised nearer the date.

Next meeting: July 11th at 7pm via Zoom.



MEA Working Bee Dates :

Friends of Beleura Cliff Path : 9.30 – 11.30 am: First Thursday of Month.  Contact : Peter Nicholson,beleuracliffpath@gmail.com

Friends of Fishermans Beach : 9 – 11 am : Last Thursday of Month.  Contact : Peter Deerson, pdeerson@netscape.net

Friends of Mills Beach : 9.30 – 11.30 am: Third Sunday or Monday of Month.  Contact : Brian Burrows, millsbeachfriends@gmail.com

Friends of Pine Avenue Reserve : 9 – 11 am : Third Friday of Month.  Contact: Meg Caldwell, megcald@hotmail.com

Tanti Creek Friends : 9.30 – 11.30 am : Last Tuesday of Month.  Contact: Martin Lenard, tanticreekfriends@gmail.com

