Urgent: Help save important bird habitat at Toondah Harbour

Urgent: Help save important bird habitat at Toondah Harbour

From Birdlife Australia (15/1/2/23)…

We’re in a race against time to save important bird habitat at Toondah Harbour!


Here’s why:

  • Walker Corporation has proposed to destroy the important natural wetland area at Toondah Harbour to build 3,600 luxury apartments and a 200 berth marina
  • Toondah Harbour is part of the Moreton Bay Ramsar Wetland, meaning it is recognised as globally important for its natural value – especially for migratory shorebirds, like Critically Endangered Eastern Curlews
  • Walker Corporation’s project impact area includes feeding and roosting habitat for Eastern Curlews, as well as for other threatened wildlife
  • Eastern Curlew populations have plummeted by over 80% in the last 30 years, mainly caused by human-driven habitat destruction across their range
  • A private project of the scale and impact that Walker Corp is proposing at Toondah Harbour has never been approved within a Ramsar Wetland
  • If this proposal is approved, other precious habitat will be at risk, as developers across Australia and internationally will see this as a green light

We must save Toondah Harbour, and we’ve made it easy for you to help. 

Use our handy tool to email Minister Plibersek, and make it clear that we want her to reject this nature-destroying project!

We could have a final decision in as little as a few weeks, so we must act fast.

Kind regards,
James Matcott
Digital Conservation Campaigner,
BirdLife Australia


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