Endorse an Open Letter to the the Premier to stop logging

Endorse an Open Letter to the the Premier to stop logging

From  Victorian National Parks Association, an invitation to help in their campaign…

An Open Letter to the the Premier

Two and a half years ago we did something big for nature in the west.

For the dusty paws of Brush-tailed Phascogales in the Wombat, the Monitor Lizards etching the mighty Box-Ironbarks in Wellsford Forest, the blood-red flowers of Mount Cole’s endemic Grevillea.

And it worked. Weeks after our community saturated print and online newspapers, social media, phonelines and inboxes, then Premier Andrews accepted expert recommendations* to protect these forests and woodlands in new national parks.

But parks aren’t created until they’re legislated. So we’re at it again.

Today and next week newspapers will spill open to reveal our open letter, representing hundreds and thousands of nature-lovers.

Instead of honouring their promise, these forests, rivers and woodlands (deemed worthy of the highest of protections), are being logged, damaged, degraded.

In the twenty-eight (very) odd months since our elected representatives vowed to protect these wonders, no legislation has been seen. But logging has continued.

The Greater Glider – who depends on hollows in the messmate, peppermint and blackwood trees of Wombat Forest – was listed as federally threatened. Hectares of habitat have been cleared, with more on the cards.

Whether you’ve been with us the whole way, whether you’re new to this story, every voice counts.


Read the whole article…

Add your name to the open letter