Pine Ave Dog Park Friends Group May Working Bee

Pine Ave Dog Park Friends Group May Working Bee

From the Pine Ave Dog Park Friends Group (19/5/24)…

Report on the May Working Bee

Once again the weather held out for us to do our working bee last Friday although it was cold. Thank you again for all your hard work it really is showing what we are achieving and I know Meg and I are so happy with the progress we are making. We managed to plant 40 seedlings, do some weeding, raking of edges and have started to clear the malalueca area of mirror bush and ivy.  The Daisy bush near the drain went to god as it didn’t quite fit in with the native theme. All in all it was another successful bee with a great turn out so thankyou .
The next bee will be on the 21/6/24 so look forward to seeing you all then.


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